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Residential Services


The knowledge & experience from 30+ years in the
automotive detailing industry is now being applied to your home!


We all know how difficult stainless appliances can be to clean and maintain! I can change that! With the application of nano ceramic coatings, cleaning is a snap! Finger prints and smudges can be wiped off with a damp towel!


Granite Counter tops also greatly benefit from the nano ceramic coatings! With 2-3 layers, we will create a layer that completely protects the surface from stains and other contaminants, making clean up super quick and easy! We will come in, clean and prep all the stainless and granite surfaces for the coating. Once the coating is applied, you will need allow 12-24 hours for it to cure before moisture can come in contact with it.


These coatings will create a barrier from the stone, providing a great shine that will last for 5+ years! No need for harsh cleaning chemicals or other products to protect these surfaces.

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